TEO offers a monthly food distribution program for Townsend and Ashby community members at the TEO building, 82 Bayberry Hill Road, West Townsend, MA 01474.
Members shop for their food selections in a setting similar to a market with shelves filled with non perishable food and glass cased refrigerator and freezers.
While we respect everyone’s privacy, we do need to ensure that everyone does contact TEO to register. The process is simple and only requires the information needed that allows TEO to keep its non-profit status and obtain items from grants and other government programs.
Clothes Closet Hours Tuesday 930AM-1130AM
Wednesday 500PM-7PM
Saturday 930AM-1130AM
TEO is an all volunteer run organization.
You can contact TEO via email at info@teo-ma.org or phone 978-877-6002.