82 Bayberry Hill Road
West Townsend, MA 01474
Tel: 978-877-6002 Email: info@teo-ma.org

It was a great December for TEO. 

TEO co-hosted the Annual Tree Lighting with the Townsend Business Association, and because of the amazing support of our community, TEO was able to help families celebrate the holidays with gifts for their children and food for their meals. 

As we are about to close out 2024 and launch into 2025, we are reaching out to our community to consider an end-of-year gift.  All donations to TEO are tax-deductible and your donation goes a long way to help TEO provide a wide range of services. 

TEO is an all-volunteer-run non-profit 501c(3) organization.  The goal of TEO is to help our neighbors with food, and assistance with daily living needs. In addition, TEO has a Clothes Closet that anyone in the community can visit to bring or select clothes. Each year TEO provides school supplies to children in need and each year TEO supports families by providing gifts for children for birthday and holiday celebrations. Our neighbors might need TEO for a short time due to an unexpected life event, or for a longer time to help them get back on their feet or to adjust to the budget impact they might be experiencing. We know that TEO is important to help our seniors who have worked hard make ends meet.

Your contributions go a long way in helping others. 

TEO Service Highlights

The TEO organization provides services to those in need including emergency and monthly food distribution, a weekend food backpack program for school aged children, holiday tree lighting, a clothes closet, and assistance with back to school supplies.  Services are for those that live in Townsend or Ashby.

Clothes Closet  Hours
Tuesday 930AM-1130AM

Wednesday 500PM-7PM

Saturday 930AM-1130AM  

TEO is an all volunteer run organization. 

You can contact TEO via email at  info@teo-ma.org or phone 978-877-6002.


82 Bayberry Hill Road
West Townsend, MA 01474
978-877-6002 |  info@teo-ma.org